
  • 產(chǎn)品名稱:5000系列Near Infrared Photometer近紅外過程光度計

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5000系列Near Infrared Photometer近紅外過程光度計 近紅外光度計5000系列采用了斬波穩(wěn)定的單細(xì)胞樣本,雙波長設(shè)計,不斷監(jiān)測水和有機化合物(液相)具有內(nèi)的近紅外區(qū)域的光譜吸收峰明顯。 除了提供固有的穩(wěn)定性,這種設(shè)計提供了具有吸收,這是對利息部分重疊的背景組件的自動補償。
5000系列Near Infrared Photometer近紅外過程光度計
應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域包括:。ppm或百分之監(jiān)測水位有機物檢測/ petrocehmical植物溶劑(東區(qū)區(qū)議會/氯乙烯,醋酸,小型斷路器等).

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Series 5000 - Near Infrared Photometer

The Series 5000 Near Infrared Photometer utilizes a chopper stabilized single sample cell, dual wavelength design to continuously monitor water and organic compounds (in the liquid phase) that have distinct absorbance peaks within the NIR region of the light spectrum.

In addition to providing inherent stability, this design provides automatic compensation for the background components with an absorbance, which overlaps that of the component of interest.

The Series 5000 NIR is set apart from other commercially available NIR analyzers via its unique sample cell pre-heater design that ensures stable performance over a wide temperature range. The Model 5020 serves as the totally explosion proof version in the series for use in Class I, Division 1, Groups B, C & D environments.

Applications include: monitoring ppm or percent level detection of water in organics / solvents in petrocehmical plants (EDC / VCM, HOAC, MCB, etc.)
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