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OB920 Series熒光光譜儀 OB920 Series熒光光譜儀由美盛科技中國有限公司供應(yīng) OB920 是一緊湊、 電腦控制光譜儀,使用時(shí)間相關(guān)單光子計(jì)數(shù) (TCSPC) 和多通道縮放 (MCS) 技術(shù)來促進(jìn)熒光和磷光衰變的可靠和準(zhǔn)確的測量。 無論你研究化學(xué)或生物物種的模塊化結(jié)構(gòu)和靈活性的 OB920 使您可以集成和定制先進(jìn)的解決方案和升級符合您的要求。

OB920 Series熒光光譜儀
OB920 Series熒光光譜儀由美盛科技中國有限公司供應(yīng)
OB920 是一緊湊、 電腦控制光譜儀,使用時(shí)間相關(guān)單光子計(jì)數(shù) (TCSPC) 和多通道縮放 (MCS) 技術(shù)來促進(jìn)熒光和磷光衰變的可靠和準(zhǔn)確的測量。

無論你研究化學(xué)或生物物種的模塊化結(jié)構(gòu)和靈活性的 OB920 使您可以集成和定制先進(jìn)的解決方案和升級符合您的要求。


OB920 是一個(gè)模塊化的系統(tǒng),使用戶能夠測量熒光和磷光從 100ps 到 10s,根據(jù)用戶的要求。OB920 可在三種配置-熒光壽命測量 (OB920-t),磷光生存期測量 (OB920 m) 和聯(lián)合 (OB920 tm) 熒光和磷光壽命測量


Fluorescence spectrometer (Lifetime, Phosphorescence only)

OB920 Series


The OB920 is a compact, computer controlled spectrometer that uses time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) and multi-channel scaling (MCS) techniques to facilitate reliable and accurate measurement of fluorescence and phosphorescence decays.

Whether you're studying chemical or biological species the modular construction and flexibility of the OB920 enables you to integrate and customise advanced solutions and upgrades in line with your requirements.

Our sophisticated software allows automatic acquisition of measurements removing the need to make any manual mechanical adjustments. The software has an easy-to-use graphical user interface that enables users to easily and comprehensively manipulate data and perform analysis on time-resolved spectra and luminescence decays.

The OB920 is a modular system that enables users to measure fluorescence and/or phosphorescence from 100ps to 10s, depending on the users’ requirements. The OB920 is available in three configurations - fluorescence lifetime measurements (OB920-t), phosphorescence lifetime measurements (OB920-m) and combined (OB920-tm) for both fluorescence and phosphorescence lifetime measurements.

Download the OB920 Technical Specification

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