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PL SeriesCO and CO2 激光器 PL SeriesCO and CO2 激光器由美盛科技中國有限公司供應(yīng) PL系列的連續(xù)波(CW),光柵調(diào)諧、 紅外氣體激光器更多設(shè)置的標(biāo)準(zhǔn),高功率,為各式各樣的分子光譜學(xué)、非線性光學(xué)、 干涉測量、 過程控制、 大氣研究、 等離子體密度測量和很多,從應(yīng)用程序的穩(wěn)定來源。
PL SeriesCO and CO2 激光器
PL SeriesCO and CO2 激光器由美盛科技中國有限公司供應(yīng)
PL系列的連續(xù)波(CW),光柵調(diào)諧、 紅外氣體激光器更多設(shè)置的標(biāo)準(zhǔn),高功率,為各式各樣的分子光譜學(xué)、非線性光學(xué)、 干涉測量、 過程控制、 大氣研究、 等離子體密度測量和很多,從應(yīng)用程序的穩(wěn)定來源。

PL 系列的連續(xù)波 (CW),光柵調(diào)諧、 紅外氣體激光器更多設(shè)置的標(biāo)準(zhǔn),高功率,為各式各樣的分子光譜學(xué)、 非線性光學(xué)、 干涉測量、 過程控制、 大氣研究、 等離子體密度測量和很多,從應(yīng)用程序的穩(wěn)定來源。
紅長時(shí)間被稱為"灰姑娘"水平較低的長波長的黑體輻射的光譜區(qū)域,但這改變了與二氧化碳 (CO2)、 一氧化碳 (CO) 激光器的發(fā)展在 20 世紀(jì) 70 年代。


PL 系列的激光包括光柵調(diào)諧 CO2 激光器的步驟可調(diào)諧波長從 9-11μm 與單個(gè)行權(quán)力從幾瓦 (模型 PL2),到 50W (模型 PL5),甚至 180W (模型 PL6) 每個(gè)描繪為振幅和頻率穩(wěn)定性優(yōu)異技術(shù)上*富挑戰(zhàn)性的任務(wù)。

PL2 激光本身即靈活定制的科學(xué)應(yīng)用,例如,如果您可以填寫我們 184T 水泵站與使用的激光頭與您自己的同位素氣體混合,反過來允許您訪問替代波長。

在今天的市場,我們的 PL3 模式是****的。激光經(jīng)營作為要么 CO2 (輸出功率達(dá) 25W) 或 CO (與輸出 > 1W 超過范圍 5.1 — — 6.0μm) 激光。使用不同的同位素氣體填充 PL3 激光可以給 1000年線線跨紅外。

更高的功率 PL 系列激光器可以用于光學(xué)泵極性氣體 (例如甲醇、 甲酸等) 來創(chuàng)建遠(yuǎn)紅外線紅 (FIR) 排放。聚變反應(yīng)堆等離子體溫度的測量遠(yuǎn)紅外線或太赫茲波段 (40 μ m-1.2 m m,7.5 到 0.25 太赫茲) 在國土**和掃描、 散射密度測量、 雷達(dá)模擬等中的應(yīng)用

所有的 PL 系列激光器中利用英華桿框架,以支持激光諧振腔和確保高度的被動(dòng)穩(wěn)定性。此機(jī)械剛構(gòu)弱化了振動(dòng)對激光輸出的影響,并提供了腔長的熱穩(wěn)定性。


所有激光管都是水冷的高穩(wěn)定性。管子的內(nèi)壁上專門分析,取消關(guān)閉軸振動(dòng),確保*低的順序橫向模式占主導(dǎo)地位。低瓦斯壓力 (ca 30 mbar),因此縮小增益配置文件主要是支持只有單縱模 (SLM) 操作。

高光學(xué)模式質(zhì)量和優(yōu)良的振幅和頻率穩(wěn)定性使 PL 激光器理想來源為眾多的科學(xué)應(yīng)用

每個(gè) PL 系列激光由 LPS 系列中的一新的契約 (19"機(jī)架安裝) 驅(qū)動(dòng)開關(guān)模式下,高電壓電源。這些用品基于諧振逆變器技術(shù)的*高的效率和可靠性。專為穩(wěn)定輸出當(dāng)前的操作,抖動(dòng)的 PL 激光器與 LPS 范圍已被測量在通常每秒 200 千赫。

連續(xù)波或切碎操作 1 千赫是可用的 LPS 范圍。PL5 激光可以與多才多藝 PS4P 閥控制電源供應(yīng)提供可編程 cw,切碎和脈沖操作 (可選) 驅(qū)動(dòng)。在脈沖模式下輸出激光峰值功率通常是五次留級率起到 1 kHz 和 100 微秒脈沖寬的 cw 級別。

全套的配件和選項(xiàng),如真空泵、 thermocirculators、 氣體處理系統(tǒng)、 穩(wěn)壓器等??蔀槊總€(gè)激光。

愛丁堡文書中紅外激光器,舒展回到他們的發(fā)明大約 40 年前,所以有信心從購買具有專門知識的一個(gè)家系的專家有的歷史。

CO and CO2 Lasers

PL Series

The PL series of continuous wave (CW), grating tuned, infrared gas lasers sets the standard for high power, stable sources for a wide variety of applications from molecular spectroscopy, non-linear optics, interferometry, process control, atmospheric studies, plasma density measurements and much, much more.

The infra-red has long been dubbed the “Cinderella”  spectral region due to the low level of blackbody emission at long wavelengths but this was changed with the development of carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon monoxide (CO) lasers in the 1970’s.

In the same way that every individual can be identified by their unique fingerprint so the infra-red spectrum of a sample uniquely defines the constituent molecules present.

The PL-series of lasers include grating tuned CO2 lasers with a step tunable wavelength from 9-11μm with single line powers from a few Watts (Model PL2), to 50W (Model PL5) and even to 180W (Model PL6) each characterised by excellent amplitude and frequency stability for the most technically challenging tasks.

The PL2 laser lends itself to flexible tailoring to scientific applications, for example, if used with our 184T pump station you can fill the laser head with your own isotopic gas mix to which in turn allows you to access alternative wavelengths.

Our PL3 model is unprecedented in today’s markets. The laser operates as either a CO2 (output power up to 25W) or CO (with output >1W over the range 5.1 – 6.0μm) laser. Using different isotopic gas fills the PL3 laser can give up to 1000 lines across the infra-red.

The higher power PL-series lasers can be used to optically pump polar gases (for example methanol, formic acid etc) to create Far Infra Red (FIR) emission. Fusion reactor plasma temperature measurements in the far infrared or TeraHertz region (40μm – 1.2mm, 7.5 to 0.25THz) with applications in homeland security and scanning,  scattering density measurements, radar modelling etc.

Download the PL Series Technical Specification

Laser Head

All PL series lasers utilise an invar rod frame to support the laser resonator and ensure a high degree of passive stability. This mechanically rigid frame minimises the effect of vibration on the laser output and provides thermal stability of the cavity length.

All lasers have manually controlled diffraction gratings for line selection and piezo mounted output couplers for the fine control of cavity length.

All laser tubes are water cooled for highest stability. The inner walls of the tubes are specially profiled to suppress off axis oscillations and to ensure that the lowest order transverse mode dominates. The low gas pressure (ca 30 mbar) and hence narrow gain profile supports predominantly only single longitudinal mode (SLM) operation.

The high optical mode quality and excellent amplitude and frequency stability make the PL lasers ideal sources for a wide number of scientific applications.

Power Supplies

Each PL series laser is driven by one of the LPS family of new, compact (19" rack mounted) switch mode, high voltage power supplies. These supplies are based on resonant inverter technology for the highest efficiency and reliability. Designed for stable output current operation, the jitter of the PL lasers with the LPS range has been measured at typically 200kHz/sec.

Continuous wave or chopped operation up to 1kHz is available with the LPS range. The PL5 laser can be optionally driven with the versatile PS4P valve controlled power supply providing programmable cw, chopped and pulsed operation. In pulsed mode the laser peak output power is typically five times the cw level at repetition rates up to 1kHz and with pulse widths down to 100 microseconds.


A full range of accessories and options, such as vacuum pumps, thermocirculators, gas handling systems, stabilisers, etc. are available for each laser.

Edinburgh Instruments have a history in infra-red lasers which stretches back to their invention some 40 years ago, so purchase with confidence from the experts with a pedigree of expertise.

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