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FIR Series 光抽運(yùn)的激光器 FIR Series 光抽運(yùn)的激光器由美盛科技中國有限公司供應(yīng) 光抽運(yùn)、 遠(yuǎn)紅外線 (FIR) 激光器的可供需要相干輻射光譜范圍內(nèi)的 40 微米至 1.22 毫米,太赫茲 (0.25 至 7.5 太赫茲) 的頻率范圍的應(yīng)用程序。
FIR Series 光抽運(yùn)的激光器
FIR Series 光抽運(yùn)的激光器由美盛科技中國有限公司供應(yīng)

光抽運(yùn)、 遠(yuǎn)紅外線 (FIR) 激光器的可供需要相干輻射光譜范圍內(nèi)的 40 微米至 1.22 毫米,太赫茲 (0.25 至 7.5 太赫茲) 的頻率范圍的應(yīng)用程序。

冷杉激光頻率產(chǎn)生極性氣體分子在低氣壓興奮的振動(dòng)狀態(tài)中的旋轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)換。光泵遠(yuǎn)紅外激光依賴于可調(diào)諧紅外輻射來創(chuàng)建旋轉(zhuǎn)國家之間的人口反演和因此產(chǎn)生激光行動(dòng)的選擇性吸收。在實(shí)踐中,少數(shù)分子的選擇可以跨整個(gè) FIR 頻譜從 40 μ m 向上提供離散頻率

取決于使用的愛丁堡儀器 CO2 泵激光型號(hào)可以保證輸出 150mW 和 118.8 μ m 和 184.3 微米甲醇 (ch3oh,通常) 線在 500mW 的權(quán)力。

冷杉激光器是英華欄企穩(wěn)和可用的單個(gè)或雙重輸出。產(chǎn)品范圍從杉木 295,冷杉 395 (雙人 FIR 輸出),向大家閨秀 100

常規(guī)高壓直流勵(lì)磁用于激發(fā)激光放電。每個(gè)激光由 LPS 系列中的一新的契約 (19"機(jī)架安裝) 驅(qū)動(dòng)的開關(guān)模式電源。這些用品基于諧振逆變器技術(shù)的*高的效率和可靠性。專為穩(wěn)定輸出當(dāng)前的操作,抖動(dòng)的 PL 激光器與 LPS 范圍在通常每秒 200 千赫經(jīng)過測量,可以實(shí)現(xiàn)在 PL3 60 千赫以下??梢允褂?PL6 或 PL5 激光泵 295 或 395

連續(xù)波 (CW) 或切碎的操作 1 千赫是可用的 LPS 范圍。PL5 激光可以 (可選) 驅(qū)動(dòng)的多功能 PS4P 閥控制電源提供可編程的 CW、 切碎和脈沖操作。在脈沖模式下輸出激光峰值功率通常是五次留級(jí)率起到 1 kHz 和 100 微秒脈沖寬的 CW 級(jí)別。

全套的配件和選項(xiàng),冷卻器,氣體處理系統(tǒng)、 穩(wěn)壓器等??蔀槊總€(gè)激光。

Optically pumped lasers

FIR Series (Far Infrared Lasers / Terahertz lasers)

A range of optically pumped, far infrared (FIR) lasers are available for applications that require coherent radiation in the spectral range of 40 microns to 1.22 mm, the TeraHertz (0.25 to 7.5 THz) frequency range.

FIR laser frequencies arise from rotational transitions in an excited vibrational state of a polar gas molecule at low pressure. The optically pumped FIR laser relies on the selective absorption of tunable infrared radiation to create the population inversion between rotational states and hence generate laser action. In practice, a small number of molecules are chosen to provide discrete frequencies across the entire FIR spectrum from 40μm upwards.

Output powers of 150mW and 500mW at the 118.8 μm and 184.3 micron methanol (CH3OH) lines can be guaranteed depending on the model of the Edinburgh Instruments CO2 pump laser used.

The FIR lasers are Invar bar stabilised and are available with either single or dual output. The products range from the FIR 295, FIR 395 (Twin FIR output), to the FIRL 100.

Download the FIR Series Technical Specification

Power Supplies

Conventional high voltage DC excitation is used to excite the laser discharge. Each laser is driven by one of the LPS family of new, compact (19" rack mounted) switch mode power supplies. These supplies are based on resonant inverter technology for the highest efficiencies and reliability. Designed for stable output current operation, the jitter of the PL lasers with the LPS range has been measured at typically 200kHz/sec and can achieve below 60kHz in the case of the PL3. The PL6 or a PL5 laser can be used to pump a 295 or 395

Continuous Wave (CW) or chopped operation up to 1kHz is available with the LPS range. The PL5 laser can be optionally driven with the versatile PS4P valve controlled power supply providing programmable CW, chopped and pulsed operation. In pulsed mode the laser peak output power is typically five times the CW level at repetition rates up to 1kHz and with pulse widths down to 100 microseconds.


A full range of accessories and options, such as coolers, gas handling systems, stabilisers, etc. are available for each laser.

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