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LP920 系列激光閃光光譜儀 LP920 系列激光閃光光譜儀由美盛科技中國有限公司供應(yīng) LP920 是完全自動(dòng)化的交鑰匙解決方案,旨在在激光閃光光解為基本的研究和實(shí)驗(yàn)室常規(guī)應(yīng)用程序中設(shè)置技術(shù)性能的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。
LP920 系列激光閃光光譜儀
LP920 系列激光閃光光譜儀由美盛科技中國有限公司供應(yīng)

LP920 是完全自動(dòng)化的交鑰匙解決方案,旨在在激光閃光光解為基本的研究和實(shí)驗(yàn)室常規(guī)應(yīng)用程序中設(shè)置技術(shù)性能的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。

無論你研究化學(xué)或生物物種 LP920 的模塊化施工和靈活性使您能夠?qū)⒓珊投ㄖ葡冗M(jìn)的解決方案和符合您要求的升級(jí)。

LP920 要么在光譜和/或動(dòng)力學(xué)模式使用戶能夠可靠地、 準(zhǔn)確地測(cè)量瞬態(tài)吸收并且有一個(gè)大樣本分庭,房子各種樣品架。


LP920 系列的光譜儀使用脈沖、 高強(qiáng)度 450 W 氙弧燈來提高測(cè)量靈敏度在短時(shí)間尺度 (毫微秒和微秒)。低強(qiáng)度、 高穩(wěn)定鹵素?zé)羰?cw 測(cè)量 (可選) 可用在毫秒和**次的時(shí)間尺度。

LP920 也可在三種配置,動(dòng)力學(xué) (LP920-K) 為主要是生存期瞬態(tài)衰減測(cè)量單一波長(zhǎng)的光譜 (LP920-S) 為主要光譜測(cè)量的衰變過程中,結(jié)合 (LP920-KS) 動(dòng)力學(xué)和光譜測(cè)量。

Laser flash photolysis spectrometer

LP920 Series


The LP920 is a fully automated turnkey solution designed to set the standards for technical performance in laser flash photolysis for fundamental research and routine laboratory applications.

Whether you're studying chemical or biological species the LP920’s modular construction and flexibility enables you to integrate and customise advanced solutions and upgrades in line with your requirements.

The LP920 enables users to reliably and accurately measure transient absorption either in spectral and/or kinetic mode and has a large sample chamber to house a variety of sample holders.

Our tried and tested advanced software is capable of dual mode measurement removing the need to make any manual mechanical adjustments. The software has an easy-to-use graphical user interface that simplifies a users ability to take measurements easily. Users can comprehensively manipulate data and perform analysis routines.

The LP920 series of spectrometers use a pulsed, high-intensity 450 W Xenon lamp to increase the measurement sensitivity in short timescales (nanoseconds and microseconds). A lower-intensity, high-stability halogen lamp is optionally available for cw measurements over millisecond and second timescales.

The LP920 is available in three configurations, kinetic (LP920-K) for predominantly lifetime transient decay measurements at a single wavelength, spectral (LP920-S) for predominantly spectral measurements of the decay process(es), and combined (LP920-KS)  for both kinetic and spectral measurements.


Download the LP920 Technical Specification

Download the LP920 Brochure


For more information please contact us

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